Bruno Tucci

Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself.

A: My name is Bruno Tucci and I was born in Toronto, Canada. I graduated from Centennial College and started my career as an Aircraft maintenance engineer in 2008. I’m married to my beautiful wife Paulina and I am a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in aviation

A: Growing up as a kid my father would take me to the airport to watch airplanes land and takeoff. He worked for Boeing for many years which brought me very close to the sights and sounds of aviation. From a young age, I was always fascinated with airplanes and quickly knew what I wanted to do when I grew up

Q: What’s your favourite part about working in Aviation?

A: One of my favourite parts of working in aviation is Travel! Working as an Aircraft maintenance engineer most of the travel that is done is to repair aircraft that are broken at outstations. You would fly to the city where the airplane was broken, repair the plane and usually fly home on the aircraft that you just repaired, which is very rewarding! Some trips can be a few days in length which gives you time to explore the city. Sometimes I’ve sat and wondered to myself, are they really paying me to do this?

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: I’m an avid photographer and like to stay active with sports and the gym. Shameless plug to follow, of course, visit to see some of my work.

Q: What advice do you have for those who want to work in aviation? 

A: Always stay motivated and be willing to adjust and work long hours. Aviation is a 24/7 world where it does not sleep and is rapidly evolving and changing. It truly is a global industry that is filled with many great people and adventures. Always ask questions and no matter how long you work in this industry you will learn something new every day! My final piece of advice is If you are ever later to work, coffee and donuts go a long way