Cale Daniels

Q: What are your roles and responsibilities at Air Canada?

A: In my current role, I am responsible for the team that manages the daily Operation which is essentially delivering the flight schedule for Air Canada Mainline and Rouge. Our goal is to deliver the schedule that is produced from our Commercial teams as safely, efficiently, and timely as possible.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in aviation

A: When I was younger, my Father had a job that that took him to several Airports to visit the Fixed Based Operators (FBO’s). I tagged along for a few of these trips and once I got close to Airplanes, it generated an interest in the industry quickly thereafter. I was fascinated by the advanced technologies that Aircraft employed and also loved the idea of getting on an Aircraft in one place and ending up far away in only a matter of hours.

Q: How long have you been working in the aviation industry and where have you worked?

A: I have been lucky enough to have worked exclusively for Air Canada for 27 years now. I started in Montreal as an Electrical Component Technician, from there I moved into Maintenance Planning where I was exposed to System Operations Control; an area that I was very interested in. I moved to Toronto for a role in Aircraft Routing under the SOC umbrella, then worked at several different positions in SOC over the years to bring me to my current role.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: Traveling is a passion and as mentioned one of the reasons I pursued a career in Aviation. That feeling of getting off an Airplane to a place in the world I have never been is something that I really enjoy. Sampling a new food or drink, and getting exposure to a different culture are irreplaceable life experiences in my book.

Q: What advice do you have for those who want to work in aviation? 

A: Ensure you have a primary goal for an entry point and focus on that. If you enjoy what you are doing that will only increase your chance for success. Once you get into the industry, be open to a large range of possibilities as you progress, as most people don’t realize all the different areas within Aviation. Lastly, enjoy the flight 😊